Public Economic Evaluation research group
What do we do?
The Public Economic Evaluation research group (EvalPub) of the University of Valencia develops rigorous and useful research for managers and users of public policies. Our evaluation is carried out in the field of public economics, which takes into account both the expenditure and revenue sides of public administrations. On the public revenue side, we work on both theoretical analysis and the design and evaluation of tax reforms. We are also concerned with the distribution of resources between different levels of government, carrying out work on regional studies and fiscal federalism. On the public expenditure side, we are interested in the main policies that fall within the Welfare State: education, health, social policy and equality, as well as environmental policy. We pay special attention to the joint analysis of both facets of public activity through microsimulation models of taxes and benefits, and their effects on poverty and inequality. We also use different impact evaluation techniques (experimental and quasi-experimental) in order to analyse different public policies.
Research areas
Estimation of the outcomes of tax and benefit policy reforms using microdata from surveys and administrative records. Simulation of changes in the behaviour of economic agents in response to these reforms.
Study and measurement of the incidence and intensity of poverty, progressiveness and economic inequality. Analysis of the redistributive effects of public revenue and expenditure policies, both at the general level and among the social groups most affected by them.
Use of evidence-based techniques to assess the impact of public policies. Application of parametric (instrumental variables, difference-in-differences) and non-parametric (quasi-experiments, regression discontinuities) approaches to assess outcomes.
Study and evaluation of care and social services policies, considering equality between people as the backbone, through gender policies, social inclusion or equality in diversity.
Economic analysis of problems related to education, such as the demand, production, provision, financing and regulation of this service. The aim is to generate useful information for the public decision-maker, through the application of qualitative and quantitative techniques.
Analysis and evaluation of policies that affect the health of the population. Application of techniques such as cost-benefit, cost-effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analysis. Economic analysis of the provision, production, financing or regulation of health services.
Work related to the environment from the perspective of public economics. It analyses, among others, the role of public regulation instruments or the effect of taxes related to tourism, transport or climate change.
Studies that take into account the territorial perspective to address economic problems at regional, county and urban level. The situation of sub-central treasuries in federal or quasi-federal countries is also analysed, with special reference to the Spanish case.
The Chair brings together individuals and institutions interested in regional taxation, both from a theoretical and quantitative point of view. It also draws on contributions from Public Economics and Public Policy Evaluation.
It is structured in four main areas: Training activities, dissemination tasks, generation of knowledge and creation of networks that bring together the different agents involved in regional taxation.