Instrumentos de financiación y gestión en residencias de personas mayores

M. Ángeles Tortosa
Amadeo Fuenmayor
Rafael Granell



This report analyses the relationship between the classic methods of public funding and the modes of production and management of these services, especially when they are shared with private initiative. In any case, we are assuming that services are provided and regulated publicly, but we consider what happens when they are financed and produced in a mixed manner, specifically when this occurs in the field of homes for the elderly. In addition, special emphasis will be placed on public procurement because of its relevance and also because of its current reform process.



Tortosa, M.A.; Fuenmayor, A.; Granell, R. (2017): “Instrumentos de financiación y gestión en residencias de personas mayores”. Informes Envejecimiento en red, nº 16. Madrid: CSIC.