The launch event of the 6th Inequality Report was held on 14 May at the Economic and Social Council in Madrid.
The presentation of the new and sixth Report on Inequality in Spain (2024) of the Fundación Alternativas will explain the contents of the document, which focuses on this occasion on the analysis of the effects on inequality and poverty caused by the demographic, climate and digital transitions. These effects, with an emphasis on the territorial perspective of inequality, are the main issues addressed in this edition.
The most widely shared opinion is that the changes brought about by these three simultaneous movements (population ageing, climate transition and digital transformation) are going to significantly affect inter-territorial and inter-personal inequalities in our country. Consequently, a reflection is proposed that addresses these challenges jointly and from the perspective of public policies. In addition, a series of recommendations are offered that allow us to advance in our knowledge of the effects of the transformations underway and those that will have to take place in the future.
The presentation of the document and its recommendations will be attended by the organisations that, together with its authors, directors and the team of Fundación Alternativas, have made its publication possible, the Fundación 1º de Mayo (CC OO) and Oxfam Intermón, as well as the Economic and Social Council of Spain, which is hosting the meeting.