IV Workshop of Young Researchers of the Department of Applied Economics is held
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The Workshop took place on 27 and 28 November at the Faculty of Economics of the UV.

The aim of this Workshop, as in previous editions, was to offer PhD students of the Department of Applied Economics of the Universitat de València the opportunity to present their research and to receive comments and suggestions for improvement from the faculty.

The presentation of research at any stage of development was allowed: completed studies, work in progress or preliminary proposals. To encourage a dynamic debate and ensure constructive feedback, each PhD student had a discussant of his/her choice.

In this edition, several doctoral students from the EvalPub research group presented their work and research in progress:

  • Ivet María del Sol Alonso: Análisis bibliométrico sobre la evaluación de impacto de subvenciones a la innovación.
  • Paula Ballester Aguilera: Pensamiento creativo y aprendizaje: un análisis desde las perspectivas de género, inclusión social y uso de nuevas tecnologías.
  • Verónica Carolina Wagner Guillot: Desigualdad económica y participación electoral en Chile: Análisis de la relación entre el índice de Gini y la participación en elecciones municipales (2008-2024)
  • Anja Siegert: Telework and the gender pay gap.
  • Georgina Solaz Moreno: Evaluación de las prestaciones familiares en España: eficiencia, factores determinantes y propuesta de reforma.
  • Bárbara López Cabrera: Microsimulación de un complemento salarial en la Comunidad Valenciana.
  • Rubén Amo Cifuentes: Integration of Net Wealth Tax into Personal Income Tax: analysis of reforms in Spain using microsimulation.