Social and economic impact assessment of social services


Conselleria d'Hisenda i Model Econòmic. Generalitat Valenciana.


  • 4 years
  • 2023
  • 2027


Teresa Savall Morera (IP)
Marta Roig Casanova
Sergio Afcha

Summary: The evaluation of social policies seeks to obtain information that is useful for improving the service, from the political decision-maker to the teams that carry it out. Specifically, the evaluation of social policies aims to: generate information for decision-making, use this information for the teams’ and organisations’ own learning, improve transparency and accountability, and increase knowledge about social problems (Zalba et al. 2020).

Objective: To evaluate the social and economic impact of social service providers, i.e. to evaluate the impact of the social policy of social services channelled through partner organisations.